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Nov 16, 2020

You ARE enough

Tracy Secombe spent the first 47 years of her life trying to prove that she was good enough. Ultimately, when her Mum passed away in 2016, Tracy woke up to how working all the time for recognition was sacrificing her health and relationships. Consequently, Tracy learned how to stop being a people pleaser and became a sou;l pleaser. 

Tracy's mission is to help women know that they are enough. Moreover, you are enough without approval or recognition from others. In addition, you can make the difference in the world you’re here to make. Finally, we are an aspect of Divinity, the energy that is everything


Episode Highlights:

  • Tracy describes the first time she thought she was fat (even through she wasn't).
  • Then Tracy explains that never felt good enough unless she met certain standards.
  • In 2016, Tracy was burned out with work and raising a family.  
  • In addition, she was in denial about how her lifestyle was causing her to be burned out.
  • When Tracy's Mum's cancer returned, she promised herself that she would take her Mum out for lunch every Friday.
  • Next, Tracy explains that her Mum's death was a big wake up call. 
  • Finally, Tracy could see her life the way it really was.
  • She sat in the sun and cried, allowing herself to feel emotions again and feel her heart.
  • A book caught Tracy's attention Light is the New Black.
  • Although it was not easy for her, Tracy walked away from one of her 3 businesses several months after her Mum died.
  • Ultimately, she started to listen to hear heart. That was the start of her becoming a soul pleaser instead of a people pleaser.
  • Then Tracy explains that the six steps of her Soul Pleaser Program flowed through her as she wrote her course.
  • In addition, old limiting beliefs come up as emotions. 
  • When we're aligned with our soul, there's no comparison. There's just love.
  • Also, even after working on ourselves, limiting beliefs can still come up. It's a blessing when things come up. 
  • As individuals are aware of our triggers caused by deep limiting beliefs - we shift our consciousness. 
  • And this shift impacts the rest of the world.
  • Next, Tracy describes her ideal client and the outcomes she helps them achieve.
  • Tracy helps her clients completely and totally love who they are.
  • The rendering to a higher power than ourselves is a big part of her Soul Pleaser Program.
  • Once you align with the truth of who you really are, everything in your life is better.
  • Tracy describes the experience her clients get by participating in her coaching group and the power of a virtual tribe.
  • Next Emily and Tracy discuss the importance of finding a safe place to talk - especially during COVID.   
  • Energy knows no boundaries. This energy is available to all of us.
  • Next, Tracy describes the six steps of her Soul Pleaser coaching program.
  • Finally, remember that you are more than your body. 
  • There is energy in and around us and we can influence our experience of our reality.


Resources Mentioned: