Jul 11, 2022
Anne Poirier talks about how to become body joyful. Anne overcame her own eating, food, weight, and body image challenges. And, drawing upon close to 4 decades of experience, she wrote the book The Body Joyful to share her highly personal and life-changing journey. Furthermore, Anne is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, Body Confidence Coach, and Eating Disorder Specialist..
Anne is the leader of the Body Joyful Revolution, a non-diet, weight inclusive community for women who want to feel more comfortable and confident in their bodies and selves. Listen and learn how a simple shift of perspective around our thoughts and beliefs leads to completely different behaviors and outcomes. Also, you can choose to think differently about yourself. Our bodies are amazing vessels we get to experience our lives in, and they’re not a measure of our worth. Finally, triggers are our teachers and they appear to teach us something.
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