Aug 5, 2019
The Science of Synchronicity and Living in
In this episode, Sky
Nelson-Isaacs discusses living in flow and how your choices shape
your world. Sky is a physicist, educator, speaker, musician, and
author. Sky wrote the book Living in Flow: The Science of
Synchronicity and How Your Choices Change Your World. First
Sky talks about his work, bringing together synchronicity, physics,
and real-life. To do this, Sky relies on research and original
ideas. Next, Sky uses real life examples to show how your choices
shape your world. In summary, listen and learn how you can start
living in flow instead of just going with the
Episode Highlights:
- First,
Emily Harman introduces Sky
- Then
Sky talks about the meaning behind his book Living in Flow: The Science of Synchronicity and
How Your Choices Shape Your World.
- Next
Sky explains how physics relates to synchronicity.
- Why do
more ‘meaningful’ outcomes take place in our
- Later
on, Emily shares her retirement story.
- Next,
Sky analyzes Emily’s retirement story.
- What
does ‘living in flow’ mean to Sky?
- Flow is
about letting go of worry and getting in sync with
- Sky
discusses the L-O-R-R-A-X
process (Listen, Open, Reflect, Release, Act, Repeat).
- First
- Then open up your mind.
- After that, reflect.
- Then Sky tells us how to release and act.
- Finally, the last step in the process is to repeat.
- Intuitions are assisted by life and adversities
are assisting our intuitions.
- Towards
the end, Sky shares a mind exercise to recharge our mental
- How do your choices shape your world?
- How can
living in flow help organizations function
- When we
see that life is on our side, we can become more
- How
does his work of synchronicity link to Sky’s social justice
community work?
- In summary, you can learn how to live in flow instead of going
with the flow.
3 Key Points about the Living in Flow:
First: Synchronicity is when
certain events show up which are meaningful and if we pay attention
and follow them effectively, they lead us to situations that we
wouldn’t have expected.
Second: Sky describes a
scientifically based method of understanding and using life
experience—the obstacles and synchronicities that show up in daily
life—as a reliable guide for knowing how to move forward in areas
where you are stuck.
Third: The L-O-R-R-A-X process
involves: listening to life, opening our minds, reflecting on the
situations which are happening, releasing our attachment to how we
thought things were supposed to be, then acting on our
Tweetable Quotes:
1. “I started trying to
understand synchronicity through the lens of physics, which is my
training, and in the past 12 years or so I have developed some
academic theories on how that works.” – Sky
2. “Quantum mechanics is the
study of what the world is doing when we are not watching.”
– Sky
3. “The idea here from quantum
mechanics is that when we interact with the world outside of us, we
collapse it in some sense, into a definite state. But until that
point, it was just a collection of possibilities.” – Sky
Resources Mentioned:
Twitter: @nelson_sky