Jun 22, 2020
This Onward Podcast is a short solo-cast - meaning, the host, Emily Harman, is the only one talking. It’s shorter than a typical episode because Emily really would like you to make time, if you haven’t already, to listen to last week’s episode entitled “An Authentic Conversation on Racism in America”.
Last week’s episode is a recorded zoom call. The conversation wasn’t an easy conversation and all participants left their comfort zones. It’s amazing how people opened up on the call to people they don’t even know. Especially considering that talking about these experiences brought back the pain and trauma. Some shared experiences they haven’t shared in years. Summarizing the conversation won’t do it justice. You must listen with your own ears.
In this episode, Emily goes way out of her comfort zone to share her commitment to be true to her beliefs and take sustainable action to end social injustice. Emily also talks about the Onward Movement she started in April 2020. The Onward Movement isn’t based around racism and injustice. It’s about becoming our authentic selves. Part of becoming our authentic selves is engaging in difficult conversations and not letting the fear of judgement or fear of not fitting in stop us from being authentic. It’s about making a positive impact in our communities. It’s about creating space for others and helping people realize they;’re not alone. We’re connected. If this resonates with you, please join the Onward Movement.